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Serenity Soul

Sokhunthear Trujillo

PsychicIntuitive / Empath /Healer

As a small, shy, and timid child, Sokhunthear discovered she inherited a natural gift from her mother. An empathetic soul sensing energies and the feeling of knowing around her. She was able to sense catastrophic events prior to them actually happening. She thought this was normal and everyone had this sense. As she got older, she realized that wasn’t true.


After her observation that this gift was not the norm, she turned away from it. She shunned her gifts and ran away as far as she could from it. Her gifts were patient until she was ready. 


Little by little, people that needed healing came to her and she helped these people. Never understanding why she kept attracting them; but wanting to help these people heal, she started to develop herself. She drew within and dug out gifts once again. 


Sokhunthear draws from her infinite source of knowledge passed down from generations from her mother’s side along with the guidance of the Divine source. With this sacred knowledge, she looks to heal and guide as many as she can. 


Serene souls welcome to your sacred time. Welcome to your sacred space. Welcome to your journey of healing with love and light.


With love always,



Areas covered include:

Love and Relationships




Career: New Opportunities and Promotion

Guidance for Future Goals and Desires




Inner Growth and Spiritual Development 

All sessions can be done face to face , Zoom or by phone. Please contact us for any personal queries

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